A blind comes from darkness and into the light.
[Mark 10:46-52]

Jesus and his disciples catching the miraculous draught of fishes
[John 21:1-13]

耶穌 說、少年人、我吩咐你起來。 Young man, I say unto thee, Arise!
[Luke 7:12-14]
一名偉大的將軍請求耶穌去 醫治他的僕人
A famous centurion begs Jesus to heal his servant.
[Luke 7:1-10 Matthew 8:5-13]
當下有人將一個被鬼附著、又瞎又啞的人、帶到耶穌 那裡.
The boy with a dumb demon having a fit
[ Matt. 12:22]
耶穌把他的好朋友從死裏復活了! Jesus brings his good friend back to life!
John 11:1-45

Jesus was a wonderful healer
Matt 15:30-31.
"And her daughter was made whole from that very hour".
[Matt. 15:22 - 28].
Read the marvelous story of a young girl being raised from the dead.
Mark 5:22-43
到了晚上、有人帶著許多被鬼附的、來到耶穌 跟前、他只用一句話、就把鬼都趕出去.並且治好了一切有病的人。
People brought to him all that were diseased.
{Matthew 8.16]
Jesus meets a tormented man, and casts out the devils from him.
Mark 5:1-20
Ten lepers are healed, but only one remembers gives thanks to God.
Luke 17:11-19
Lunch for 5000 people is prepared from five loaves and two fishes!
Matthew 14:15-23
一位癱人拿起了自己的褥子就走了 A paralytic man picked up his bed and walked!
Luke 5:17-26
你聽過能在水上行走的人嗎? Have you ever heard of someone who could walk on
Mathew 14:22-33
耶穌在他的門徒面前收到榮耀 Jesus was glorified in front of his disciples.
Matthew 17:1-9
Even the wind and the sea obey Jesus!
Mathew 8:23-27
People were healed by just even touching Jesus's clothes!
Matthew 14:34-36 .
你聽過把水變成酒的故事嗎? Have you heard of water being changed into wine?
John 2:1-11
The blind man washes in the Pool of Siloam,
[John 9:7].